The Count Lucanor: uno sguardo in video gameplay al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Pochi minuti fa, abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay su The Count Lucanor, un nuovo titolo in arrivo la settimana prossima sull’eShop europeo di Switch.

Il titolo action-adventure realizzato da Baroque Decay e Ratalaika Games, verrà pubblicato da Merge Games il prossimo 18 ottobre 2017 sull’eShop europeo di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di €14.99.

Potete trovare il nostro video gameplay, insieme alle informazioni sul titolo, in calce all’articolo.

Can you solve the mystery and earn untold wealth in the fantasy-horror, action-adventure, The Count Lucanor?

Join Hans in a fantasy world and experience a unique adventure, full of surprises and challenges. Get hooked on an immersive tale, where every decision counts and every clue is a piece to solve the puzzle and get the treasure. Unravel the sordid secrets of the castle, meet colourful characters, and remember, horror always lurks beneath the surface.

The Count Lucanor is an action-adventure with a retro feel that falls halfway between 8-bit and 16-bit styles. Inspired by classic games like The Legend of Zelda, Yume Nikki, Silent Hill and Dark Souls, The Count Lucanor is an amazing mystery and horror adventure set in a fairytale world. The game features important choices, alternative endings, secrets and different ways to solve puzzles.
The Count Lucanor on Nintendo Switch
The Count Lucanor – Trailer
The Count Lucanor features a soundtrack by the greatest composer of all time, Johann Sebastian Bach, that will remain etched in your mind forever. Using chiptune tools, the game features a transformed series of hidden gems from the composer to create unique soundscape.
Exploration: Search Tenebre Castle placing candles on the ground to light up your path.
Conversation: Talk to NPCs to get important clues and learn the hidden history of The Count Lucanor.
Stealth: Hide under tables and behind curtains to go undetected.
Puzzles: Use the items you found wisely to progress.
Skill: Avoid traps and enemies in the castle by anticipating them.

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